Kitespot Playa Los Lances Norte
This spot is the most famous kite spot in Tarifa. The spot begins at the Rio Jara and ends at Hotel Dos Mares. The beach is wide and clean. There are no rocks or whatsoever. It is a perfect spot to learn how to kite surf. There are perfect launch and landing opportunities. This spot is very good for kite surfing when there is a poniente wind (westerly). The wind with poniente is side on shore. When there is levante wind (easterly) this spot can be very dangerous due to the side of shore wind. This spot can be quite challenging with strong winds because the water can be very choppy and there can be waves. Near Rio de Jara is a beautiful lagoon with high tide. This is a prefect place for beginners and for kiters who like to ride freestyle. In the summer months there are certain zones for kitesurfers, windsurfers and schools. So watch out. Along playa Los Lances Norte there is plenty of parking space. You can also find there some bars (chiringuitos) and toilets. Check out chiringuito agua and waves bar.